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What is an Agent?

PRISM Agents

PRISM Agents are Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) of LLM reasoning calls. These DAGs are tailored to break down requests into a series of simple actions we can take and then have an LLM to reason about. By splitting a single request into many small tasks, we decrease hallucinations and increase the confidence in our responses.


When an agent is provided with an input and a selection of tools, it may choose to use one of the tools as a step in the DAG. Tools are critical for ensuring your agent has the most up-to-date information to reason about.

When adding tools to your agent, it's best to limit the total tools to less than 15. Any more than this and your agent may get confused as to which tool it should use.


You can change the tools you include for each request! By leveraging this fact, you can utilize virtually unlimited number of tools in your application.


Tools are important for access to real-time data, but what if you need have a lot of historical data you want your agent to access? PRISM Contexts allow you to configure sources for your Agent to process and include in a custom vectorstore that is dedicated to your account.

This Context is then configured as a tool for your agent. Your agent may use this tool to search for items from your sources in real-time, just like other tools.

Public Contexts

Trustless Engineering Corporation maintains several public Contexts that all agents can access for free. These contexts are maintained by our team and include sources from many of the top ecosystem and industry leading sources.

If you have a source that isn't included in our public contexts and think it should be, please reach out and let us know!