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Agents are the core primitive of PRISM. Deploying an agent only requires a few inputs. Understanding how these inputs effect your agent is critical to ensuring you get quality responses.

Agent Parameters

The following parameters are required when creating an agent:

"name": string,
"description": string,
"prompt": string,

Agent Name

The agent name is used to create your API endpoint and must be unique to your account.

Agent Prompt

The agent prompt is also known as the System Prompt. This prompt is used to inform your agent about it's role and how it should react to users requests.

You can use the prompt to make your agent talk like a pirate, or to return all responses as a properly formatted JSON object.

The choice is up to you!

Creating a Great Agent Prompt

Crafting a detailed prompt for a Large Language Model (LLM) is crucial for obtaining accurate and relevant responses. A well-constructed prompt provides the necessary context and guidance for the LLM to understand the task at hand, reducing ambiguity and increasing the likelihood of generating useful outputs.

Detailed prompts help in setting clear expectations, specifying the desired format, and including relevant information that the model can leverage. This not only enhances the quality of the responses but also minimizes the chances of misunderstandings or irrelevant answers, ultimately leading to more effective and efficient interactions with the LLM.


In order to deploy an agent successfully, you must complete the Stripe payment process. After clicking "Create an Agent", the agent will be deployed, but it will not be provisioned until payment is completed.

Agents are billed at $40 per month, per agent. You can cancel your subscription at any time, and you will not be billed for the following month.

Why No Free Tier?

Agent hosting and inference is a resource-intensive process. We want to ensure that our users have the best experience possible, and that means providing a high-quality service that is reliable and fast. A free tier would result in a degraded experience for all users, so we have opted for a paid model to ensure that we can maintain the quality of our service.