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Solana History

  • Toolkit: TEC Base
  • API Name: solana_history
  • Data Provider: OpenAI embeddings for vector representation.


The Solana History Context tool is designed to provide historical information about Solana blockchain in response to user queries. It leverages a vector database to retrieve relevant historical context, enhancing the capabilities of a larger AI agent system.

Key Components

  • Vector Store: Utilizes Elasticsearch for efficient similarity searches.
  • Embedding: Uses OpenAI embeddings for vector representation.
  • Query Function: Accepts a string query and returns relevant historical information.


This tool is integrated into a broader AI agent system, allowing it to be used alongside other Solana-related tools in a chat-like interface.


Users can query Solana's history through a chat interface. The tool retrieves and provides relevant historical context based on the query.


This tool is particularly useful for users seeking to understand Solana's historical development, major milestones, or past events.


Effectiveness depends on the quality and breadth of indexed historical data. Limited to returning the top 5 most relevant results per query.

By providing quick access to historical context, this tool enhances the AI agent's ability to discuss Solana's past, offering users valuable insights into the blockchain's history and development.